Are you a member of Gabriola Players?

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You don’t have to be a member in order to enjoy our productions, but we’d sure be happy if you considered becoming one. Membership fees help a lot towards the overhead costs that ticket sales simply do not cover.

The cost of an annual membership is still $15 for an individual or $25 for a family (two adults and two children). To purchase or renew a membership, click on the link below.

We have recently added a Sustainer category for people who feel they are able to contribute more. Your monthly donation of $5 or $10 (or more) will include a free membership and provide you with a tax receipt. To set up a monthly donation – which would help us in many ways, including improving storage facilities for our costumes and sets – please click on the link below.

Another new thing: The board of Gabriola Players has taken the decision to switch all ticket sales, memberships and other donations from PayPal to the registered charity Canada Helps. We still pay a small fee on every transaction, but the fees paid to Canada Helps fund the work the organisation does to support charities across the country.