If you are already a member of Gabriola Players, thank you! Membership fees are a big help towards covering non-production costs such as insurance and storage. If you are not a member, please consider becoming one.
As detailed in our recent newsletter, we are currently attempting to recruit people to fill key backstage roles to replace stalwarts who have left the island or are simply beginning to feel their age. This means that our 2023/24 season will be a limited one and will not include a panto, which is our biggest show of the year. We are thus facing the prospect of a large deficit at the end of the coming season.
For the past 15 years, our annual membership fee has been $15. Some years ago we added a family membership category to cover two adults and up to two children for $25. While the annual fee has remained the same, those overhead costs have continued to rise. The board has therefore taken the decision to increase the annual membership fee at the end of this financial year on September 1 to $20 for an individual or $30 for a family.
To become a member or renew your membership, click on the link below.
Alternatively, you can send an e-transfer to gabriolaplayers@gmail.com (please include “membership” in your message) or you can send a cheque to Gabriola Players, PO Box 374, Gabriola Island, BC V0R 1X0. Please make sure to include your name and email address. Please note: your annual membership year runs a calendar year from the date when you join.
We have recently added a SUSTAINER category for people who feel they are able to contribute more. Your monthly donation of $5 or $10 (or as little as $3) will include a free membership and provide you with a tax receipt and all other member benefits. To set up a monthly donation – which would help us in many ways – please click on the link below.
Members receive a discount on all workshops we offer and are the first to hear about auditions and other opportunities to get involved. You will also receive, as a small token of our appreciation, a free beverage – when these are available – at any performance you attend.
Not sure if you are a member or if your membership has lapsed? No problem. Just send an email to gabriolaplayers@gmail.com and we will let you know.
Our thanks in advance for your support.
Oh, and, if you’re interested in getting involved by training for one of our backstage roles, we’d love to hear from you!